As a starter of our 2015 Airshow season in the UK, the team came over to Kemble for the second edition of the UK Bronco Fan Day, in cooperation with the Cotswold Airport, the Bristol Britannia XM496 Preservation Society and Fly2Help. Both the Skyvan and Bronco flew over on Thursday in order to use the opportunity to practice displays. The ground crew arrived on Friday and the whole party had a great evening dinner, celebrating the anniversary of our senior crew chief Ivo.

Saturday morning, the team arrived at the Airport to set up the new tent, and soon after the first fans started to arrive. One very lucky fan had the day of his life, Daniel Fowler won a Bronco ride via our facebook raffle. He and his family came over to the UK Bronco Fan Day to have his first flight ever and in the Bronco. After jumping in a flight suite and following a safety briefing he was soon strapped in. The flight took him over the scenic Cotswolds to Abingdon for a fly-by over the airfield where the preparations were taking place for the Airshow the next day. While returning to Kemble, Daniel could experience the maneuverability of the Bronco with a roll and a mock attack on a ground target. After the landing he received an official BDT “Bronco Buster” certificate, We do trust Daniel will remember the day for a long time.

In the afternoon the many fans could enjoy a practice demonstration of both the Skyvan and the Bronco, all the while more aircraft arrived for the Spring Fly-In. Although the weather was quite chilly, the Bronco Cheerleaders put on their Dirndl dresses for some great photographs. At the end of the day, the whole party left Kemble for Abingdon, to participate the Airshow the next day.

Hereby we would like to thank everyone of Cotswold Airfield, the events team, fly2help and all the fans for a great day, we hope to see you all throughout the season on one of the Airshows we will be visiting.

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