For the second weekend in a row, Bronco Demo Team visited the neighbouring Netherlands. This time for ‘Volkel in de Wolken’, the largest civil airshow in the Benelux. The airshow itself took place off-airfield at the showground adjacent to the local village, 1 mile west of the military airbase on the extended runway line. It’s not only an airshow, there’s also a fun fair, classic cars and other festive activities, all in a perfect setting.
In the early morning the BDT ground crew brought our support van to Volkel. During the preparations of the promotional stand, Tony and Tom in the Bronco flew over the showground to say good morning to everyone! The stand was soon erected and visitors were welcomed by our Cheerleaders and many Bronco brochures were given out.
The show was opened by the Extra300L of Hamilton and in the afternoon, Tony did a formation display with the Dutch Thunder Yaks. After this display he split the formation to perform his solo display.

After the show, the Bronco was refueled to make the trip back home. After handing over some presents to the organizational team it was time to say goodbye. The rest of the team packed the sales booth and drove back home. However, a stop in Antwerp was necessary for the Bronco due to bad weather en route.

We would like to thank the organizational team for the invitation and the great hospitality!


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