Before the Airshow season starts, all members of Bronco Demo Team come together at Wevelgem Airport for a weekend of preparation for the upcoming season. Crew members arrived from the UK, Germany and Belgium on the Friday evening and visited Ypres. At 8PM the last post took place under the Menin gate remembering the fallen during the World War I. Afterwards we had a very enjoyable dinner in a restaurant at the Ypres square.

On Saturday the Bronco Crew Chiefs had a refresher course on operating the Bronco, given by Michael. The Bronco Cheerleaders enjoyed a teambuilding afternoon with an escape game. At noon and in the evening Mo, prepared us a fantastic lunch and dinner and we all had a great night. Michael was awarded the 2017 award of excellence for all the effort he made during last season, congratulations!

On Sunday the Bronco Fan Day took place, in the morning all the preparations were made and soon the first fans came in. The weather was more the perfect, a nice blue sky and a very enjoyable temperature. The BBQ was lit, and the merchandise stand was plenty with new gadgets. Distillery Rubens was present with their Poppies Gin and many other goodies. A very nice RC scale model Bronco was placed next to it’s big brother. Local artist Dieter Ghekiere revealed a wonderful painting he made on the Bronco flying over Flanders Fields.

For the first time a raffle took place to win a flight in the Bronco. Many people took part and Tony’s grandson picked the winning number. The lucky winner is: Ralf Pscheidt, who came all the way from Lubeck, the place where the Broncos were based in Northern Germany, congratulations. Half a hour later, Ralf took place in the cockpit and soon took off for an experience of a lifetime he will not soon forget!

Many thanks to all the fans who came out to our 7th Bronco Fan Day, and for your great support we had over the years!


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